
Turning Our Backs on the Diet Industry
Why have we, as a society, deemed that something must be wrong with someone who has gained weight? Why is it that we correlate weight gain to medical issues, laziness, lack of willpower, and gluttony? The easy answer…. because the diet industry earns $60 Billion…

My Journey to Breaking Up with My Scale
I used to have a love-hate relationship with my bathroom scale. I loved it when the number was moving in the direction of my weight-loss goals, and I cursed at it when it didn’t. My first memory of stepping on a scale was when I…

Why Diet’s Don’t Work- Part 2
In Part 1 of this post we looked at the biological factors that cause diets to fail. Now we’ll take a look at the underlying psychological factors that may hinder long-term success. A person who wants to lose weight and maintain a trim figure has…

Why Diets Don’t Work- Part 1
No matter what you’ve been promised, no matter how much you’ve paid, the simple truth is Diet’s Don’t Work for long-term weight loss. In fact, according to a study published by the Journal of American College of Sports Medicine, traditional diets have a long-term failure…